Young Black Woman Old White Man

Young Black Woman | Old White Man
Curated by James Burke

On View May 30 thru July 13

Opening Reception:

Thursday, May 30, 6-8 pm


James Burke

Cold Wax and Oil Paint, 60 x 60 inches
$ 5,000



Devyn Casey
Peaceful Protest
Digital Collage, 48 x 48 inches
$ 2,500



Devyn Casey
Even with My Hands Up

Digital Collage, 61 x 48 inches
$ 2,500

James Burke
The Digital Void
Cold Wax and Oil Paint, 60 x 60 inches
$ 5,000






Devyn Casey
I Am a Man
Digital Collage, 65 x 48 inches
$ 2,500



James Burke
Beautiful People
Cold Wax and Oil Paint, 60 x 60 inches

$ 5,000




Devyn Casey
Digital Collage, 48 x 70 inches
$ 2,500




Devyn Casey
US the People

Digital Collage, 48 x 61 inches
$ 2,500


James Burke
Six Feet
Cold Wax and Oil Paint, 60 x 60 inches
$ 5,000



James Burke
The Bubble

Cold Wax and Oil Paint, 60 x 60 inches
$ 5,000


Devyn Casey
A Man Was Lynched
Digital Collage, 48 x 62 inches

$ 2,500


Devyn Casey
My Back Not Yours
Digital Collage, 48 x 48 inches
$ 2,500




James Burke

Ukrainian Family Life
Cold Wax and Oil Paint, 60 x 60 inches

$ 5,000


Header Images:

Left: 'The Digital Void' by James Burke
Right: 'I Am a Man', by Devyn Casey



Home Page Header Images:

Left: 'Beautiful People' by James Burke

Center:'Even with My Hands Up', by Devyn Casey

Right: 'The Digital Void' by James Burke

NOTE: Purchased all works may be picked up at SSAC. If shipping is required, contact info@ssac.org for shipping fees.