October 29–December 19
Bancroft Gallery—Body Language—National Show, Juried by George Nick (For delivery of art instructions, click here)
Opening Reception: October 29, 6–8 pm
Nationally recognized as a leading realist painter, George Nick's work is included in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the Hirshhorn Museum; and the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington D.C., as well as many others.
In March, 2007, the Danforth Museum of Art (Framingham, MA) mounted George Nick: Spirit of Place featuring paintings executed by Nick in Rome in 2005. In a foreward for the exhibition's catalog John Updike wrote “In his most recent work, my impression is, he steps back from the virtuosic looseness and dash of the premier coup method into something like the precision with which he was portraying middle-class houses, solidly carved by sun and shadow, thirty years ago. New paintings of sun-splashed domestic interiors, of Back Bay perspectives, of an antique tractor in snow and a retired fighter plane in a blue-tinted hangar all give us a third dimension soaked in light and a truthfulness so simultaneously blunt and intricate that we marvel....George paints like a young man just discovering the appearances of things, discoveries that have nothing to do with the ego of the artist but everything to do with the world’s constant overflow of color and form.”
George Nick currently teaches at Massachusetts College of Art and Design.
Prize Winners

1st Prize:
Lobsterman, Janyce Conklin |

2nd Prize:
City Mojo, Joan Sowada |

3rd Prize:
Simple Girl From the East,
Kim Frohsin |
Click here for a preview of the exhibition.
Click here for a PDF of the Jurors comments.
Body Language—Accepted Artists (For delivery of art instructions, click here)
Lynne Atwood, Bear in Venice
Kevin Belanger, Iron Body
Patricia Berube, Untitled II
Rob Bovarnick, Welcome to Utopia
Erik Bunker, Figures in the Light of a Window
Joyce Caggiano, One Tree, Two Hearts
José Castro Gonzalez, Taciturno
Peter Clapper, Bev
Janie Cohen, Remembering Millie, Queen Esther
Nancy Colella, Two of Each
Janyce Conklin, Lobster Man
Paul Crimi, Danise
Carolyn Croft, Skellies 09, Masquerade
Carole Ann Danner, Mildred 101
Janet Duncan, Skim Border
Karen Duplessis, Commuter Rail Cameo
Cheryl Dyment, Regression
Greg Evans, Dreaming
Mary Felton, Honeymoon, American Ride
Leslie Fields, Pond Hopping
Ted Fish, The Reverend
Michael Fleischhacker, Stephanie III
Julie Floss, Landing
Lisa Flynn, Susan II
Kim Frohsin, Simple Girl from the East, R.H. Red
Sue Scavo Gallagher, The Reader-En Plein Air
Stephen Gaul, #9
Diane Giardi, Snow Bank, At Monument
Flex Gilbert, Hi Y’all
Lisa Goddard, Jamaican Bartender
Pam Golden, Angst
Stephanie Gordon, Falling Two
Virginia Green, Seal Woman I
Robert Grunke, Dog Tired
Ann Guiliani, Sanibel
Wendy Hale, Are You Seeing What I’m Seeing?
Jack Haran, Tai II
G.L. Heeren, Hu-Mappa Di Mundi-Gandhi’s Salt March
David F. Kelley, Marilyn the Flutist
Dave Kendrick, Grace Under Fire
Kathleen Kneeland, Rock Dove 2
Geoffrey Koetsch, The Language Instinct
Carolyn Latourelle, Untitled II
Bonita LeFlore, Red
Susan Dragoo Lembo, Three for the Road
Hannah Lombardo, Liv
Kristen Lombardo, Feet
Keith Maclelland, Sad Cowboy
Dan McCormack, Adela
Jan McElhinny, Loves Me, Loves Me Not, Bleeker Street
Derin McWilliams, Self-Portrait I, Self-Portrait II
Jackie Miller, Drypoint Project II
Anna Mogilevsky, Who Am I
Helene Mohn, Beach Boys
Brian Morrison, You Learn
Morrix, 21c Apollo #2
Joel Moskowitz, Grub, Revelation
Armin Mühsam, Embrace
Jake Muirhead, Josephine with the Apple Core
Richard Mulcahy, Woman Alone
Carrie Nixon, Mendicant, Model with Orange and Blue Wig
Marie Peters, Gram
Glenn Pollock, Chaos and Calm
LJ Powers, Man at a Crossing
Robert Pratto, Fire Escape
Doron Putka, Working
Page Railsback, Rock and Roll
Yvette Rattenbury, Mason
Michael Rich, Inside, Enter, Peoplescape
Kristina Katz Robinson, White Flowers
Beverly Rippel, George
Betty Rogers, Lost in the Blues
Jan Ross, The One with an Attitude
Paul Roustan, The Filth and the Fury
Edward Shmunes, Sweet Charity
Kerry Smith, Man Sitting Arms Crossed
Peter Smith, Late Lite II, Season's Solidarity II, Final Landing II
Joan Sowada, City Mojo
Vcevy Strekalovsky, Ella
Suzanne Stumpf, Fingertips, Three Masks
Tereza Swanda, Sweeping Dirt and Dust, Wiping Dust off Fan, Collecting Lint
Michael Swann, Feast
Ryoko Tajiri, Lost in Blue
Roi Tamkin, Sepia Angels
Ron Testa, Untitled, Mexican Marketplace
Wendy Walter, Lady of the Blue Sky I
Jean Winslow, Solitude
Sheung Hei Wong, Grandmother |
Images starting from top left: The Reader—En Plein air, Sue Scavo Gallagher, Regression, Cheryl Dyment, Sad Coyboy, Keith Maclelland, Working, Doron Putka, George, Beverly Rippel